(Hotels, Inns, Guest Houses, Vacation Rentals, Private Accommodations, Campgrounds, etc.)
Any information related to the nature, amenities, and classification is based on information provided by the service providers. Unless noted otherwise, “star” classifications are according to the classification of the Deutscher Hotel- und Gaststättenverband (DEHOGA) or the Deutscher Tourismusverband (DTV). The corresponding classification criteria can be found at www.hotelsterne.de or at www.deutschertourismusverband.de.
Neither the Fränkisches Weinland Tourismus GmbH nor the local and regional tourism and information centers are responsible for the accuracy or completeness of the information provided by a service provider. The legal responsibility for incorrect information or unfulfilled services lies with that service provider. The Fränkisches Weinland Tourismus GmbH and local and regional tourism and information centers are only liable for negligent mistakes. This does not affect the responsibility of the Fränkisches Weinland Tourismus GmbH to adhere to all legal regulations regarding the use of electronic services and unfair business practices.
The legal relationship between a guest and a lodging provider, as long as legally agreed upon, is determined by the Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen of the service provider (generally called Gastaufnahmebedingungen).
The same rules apply to tours, guided tours, and other services provided.