The church is home to a spectacular wood-carved altar by Tilman Riemenschneider that depicts the ascension of Mary in its center. There are three more beautiful altars in the church. The high altar depicts the passion of Jesus Christ with the crucifixion in the center piece. The side altars were created by Jakob Mühlholzer and they depict the wedding of Mary and the annunciation by the archangel Gabriel.
Herrgottskirche Church with an Altar by Riemenschneider
Öffnungszeiten: Closed, opens on 1. February
February till March
Tuesday till Sunday, on public holidays: 1:00PM till 4:00PM
April till October
Tuesday till Sunday, on public holidays: 9:15AM till 6:00PM
November till December
Tuesday till Sunday, on public holidays: 1:00PM till 4:00PM
Januar geschlossen
Herrgottskirche mit Riemenschneider-Altar
Adults €3.50, Groups €3.00 per person, Students €2.50
Guided tours by reservation only