When setting up the museum, trust was deliberately placed in the power and impact of original works of art and objects. The theme "pilgrims & wayfarers" is committed to the character of Dettelbach as the home of the most important, still flourishing Marian pilgrimage of the Diocese of Würzburg, which has shaped life in the city for over 500 years.
Obviously, the visitors of the museum have to climb to the first floor (although the elevator can also be used) in order to get in the right mood there in front of a showcase with shoes of pilgrims and wayfarers.
The conviction of the existence of particularly excellent holy places and the meritorious, because difficult way to get there in order to experience salvation for soul and body is a general human attitude. Since the Middle Ages, the pilgrim has been a symbol of restless and homeless human existence following Christ on the way to the heavenly homeland. Many contemporary artists also take up this image of interpreting human experience.
The cycle "Kreuzbergwallfahrt" by Ursula Flach leads from the new building into Baumann's house for pilgrimage in Franconia. In contrast to individual pilgrimage, pilgrimage here means being on the road in the community, towards a place of grace, in an orderly procession and on fixed dates every year.